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Reference by Alex Dowdalls from Axveco

Axveco collaborated with hihaho to create new learning paths for subjects like Data Driven business models, Data Management and Artificial Intelligence. This was triggered when Alex Dowdalls, Managing Director at Axveco, heard feedback from a participant on a competitors’ innovation and digital transformation programme. They were not very enthusiastic about the appearance of the training they had attended: an average story with a typical PowerPoint. “Where is the innovation?” remarked the participant.

Innovating learning methods

“I thought they had a good point: practice what you preach. The form of a training should be an embodiment of its main message”, says Alex. With the existing PowerPoints as a starting point, Axveco started its own search for a solution to engage attendees into the learning journey more effectively.

“We want to move with the times and in order to do so, we need a product that is able to move along with us”, Alex says. That’s how Axveco discovered hihaho and the partnership originated. “I’ve had a pleasant experience cooperating with Mark from hihaho. He looked beyond the regular methods and helped to see how we could implement hihaho for our eLearnings”, he adds.

Exciting results

Axveco and hihaho developed a training programme that consists of eLearning including interactive videos, followed by a webinar. The participants were very keen on this blended learning experience. They said the interactive videos were more fun and quicker to get through than the regular classroom lectures with PowerPoints. The interactive eLearning has also proven to be effective for participants, since they gave an average rating of 9.2 after the first implementation of interactive video.

During the live webinars, participants started to point out that they already understood concepts that had been dealt with in the eLearning, indicating that the interactive videos made it easier to remember that specific information. This enabled the live webinar to focus on application of knowledge rather than transferring knowledge. On top of that, with the help of the interactive eLearning programme, participants went through all learning materials in two days as opposed to three days, which was the case before.

Axveco is currently working on expanding the interactive eLearning programme to multiple European countries as well as Middle-Eastern countries. “I look forward to going on this journey with hihaho”, Alex concludes. Hihaho couldn’t agree more with this excitement to further expand the implementation of the programme.

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Start vandaag nog met interactieve video

Of je nu een nieuwe marketingcampagne lanceert, de klantbeleving wilt verbeteren, een actieve e-learning wilt maken of een goede onboarding voor nieuwe medewerkers wilt neerzetten: interactieve video is een krachtige tool die jou daarbij helpt.

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