Ontmoet het management team

Mark Visser
Chief Executive Officer
Mark Visser is ruim 25 jaar actief betrokken bij (online) leren bedrijven op het gebied van 'performance support', ‘blended leren’ en ‘adaptief leren’. Hij leidde en was mede-eigenaar van verschillende SaaS- en consultancybedrijven op het snijvlak van leren & ICT en is momenteel de CEO van hihaho interactive video. Ook is Mark sinds 2015 bestuurslid van de Nederlandse Raad voor Training en Opleiding (NRTO).

Anne-Wil Tollenaar
Chief Content Officer
Sinds ze bij het hihaho team is gekomen in 2015, is Anne-Wil gepassioneerd over het gebruik van interactieve video voor verschillende doeleinden. Als hoofd van de afdeling Content & Training kan zij jou helpen om het maximale uit jouw interactieve videocontent te halen.
Onze partners
"We want to move with the times and in order to do so, we need a product that is able to move along with us"
Alex Dowdalls, CEO AXVECO
"Using the hihaho platform made it possible for us to explain rather complicated topics in a very easy way."
Marc Ettema, Productmanager
"I found the hihaho software extremely easy to use for our client's video needs. It has helped us create results in minutes as opposed to hours."
Peter Ramsay, Director, The FairPlay Agency LLC
"We can really do everything ourselves. Crucial for us, since we have already developed over 15,000 videos using hihaho's interactive technology!"
Rob Neeter, Careanimations
By integrating hihaho, we deliver an even better learning experience and create more impact for our users!
Thomas Meijerink, Guidance
With interactive hihaho videos we have specifically closed the skills gap of our employees. Hihaho enables us to easily create and update the videos ourselves.
Martijn Bosman, Aviko
This was my first attempt at an interactive video and I was very impressed with your platform. Being able to offer an interactive dimension is very useful.
Jon Dorsett, Visual facilitator