63 Dutch healthcare institutions join forces for interactive video learning

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Profportaal Zorg (PPZ) and hihaho interactive video give a boost to video learning. Online interactive video is on the rise in learning and development. And that is no surprise. Various scientific research shows that video is a powerful instrument for learning, when applied in the right way. In 2019, the added value of video learning and interactive video was investigated in a subsidized project by PPZ and hihaho.  6 hospitals with hundreds of healthcare professionals partcipated in this project. It showed, among other things, that 89.1% of healthcare professionals prefer to learn more often with the help of interactive video.

Hihaho license

Due to the success of the pilot, PPZ has decided to purchase a hihaho license for all 63 healthcare institutions that are members of this cooperative association. With this license, members can produce and exchange an unlimited amount of interactive videos via one hihaho interactive videoportal.

Bianca van de Pol, director Profportaal Zorg:
“I am proud and happy that PPZ and hihaho facilitate and support the continuous further development of healthcare professionals with this innovation. Healthcare is continuously developing and on the move. So Life long learning is crucial in our sector. PPZ aims to support its members in this as well as possible. I strongly believe that video is a huge enrichment for learning and sharing knowledge. And with interactive video, video no longer is a passive experience but an engaging learning activity. The great thing about this partnership with hihaho is that it enables our members to get started with interactive video in their own organization in an accessible way. But they can also share videos with each other. This enables them to make use of each other’s knowledge. and expertise. And that is really what it is all about for PPZ! ”

Jeroen Krouwels, hihaho’s CCO:
“I see this collaboration as the start of a kind of ‘Educational Dutch Healthcare Netflix’ with enormous potential. In a pilot project with hundreds of healthcare professionals we first demonstrated the added value of interactive video for learning in healthcare. This has led to this great nationwide cooperation agreement. It is also a unique interactive video project in healthcare: more than 60 members of PPZ can now share knowledge and skills by using one central interactive video portal. In a way that was not possible before and that is demonstrably effective. Profportaal Zorg shows that they are at the forefront of innovation in the field of learning in healthcare. They are a great source of inspiration for us, the healthcare sector itself, but also for other sectors as far as I’m concerned ”.

Contact for more information:
Hihaho: Jeroen Krouwels, CCO M. 0031-6-51992357 | j.krouwels@hihaho.com
Profportaal Zorg: Bianca van de Pol, director M. 0031-6-53835129 | biancavandepol@profportaalzorg.nl