Jane Hart: “Interactive video is one of the most influential upcoming trends”

This year, hihaho climbed up the ladder and has risen 39 places in the Top 200 Tools for Learning 2019! We’ve managed to reach a 59th spot in the Top 100 Tools for Education and the 38th spot in the Top 100 Tools for Workplace Learning. One of the voters wrote: “Awesome tool for DIY Interactive Video! Super easy to use.”

Every year, Jane Heart compiles a list of the best learning tools. This list inspires educators globally and serves as a source for research about learning behaviour. YouTube got 1th place, followed by Google Search and PowerPoint. You can find the list here.

Upcoming trends
One year before, Jane Hart analysed the upcoming trends within online learning based on the Top Tools for Learning. Firstly, interactive video is named as one of the most influential upcoming trends within online learning, hihaho being explicitly mentioned as an example. The analysis has shown that applications that support content development, such as interactive video by hihaho, are becoming more and more important.

Other trends
Jane Hart’s analysis tells us that web resources are dominantly present in the market. Social networks remain valuable, but the popularity of the different types of media is changing.

Web courses are gaining popularity and there is a subtle, yet evident shift from course to content development. Workplace learning is becoming more personal and important. Tools for teamwork are more frequently implemented for social learning in the workplace.

Specific developments

Specific developments are also mentioned in the analysis, of which the shift from conference calls to video conferencing might be considered one of the most remarkable outcomes. Actively involving the audience via audience participation as an effective learning method during conferences and other events is gaining importance.

Voting for the Top Tools for Learning 2020 (the 14th Annual Digital Learning Tools survey) will open in Spring 2020.

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Start vandaag nog met interactieve video

Of je nu een nieuwe marketingcampagne lanceert, de klantbeleving wilt verbeteren, een actieve e-learning wilt maken of een goede onboarding voor nieuwe medewerkers wilt neerzetten: interactieve video is een krachtige tool die jou daarbij helpt.

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