A Closer Look: Employee Onboarding

In our previous blog, we talked about why using videos in your organization is important. We mentioned one of the possible internal uses of video: employee onboarding.

We often see this go wrong.
It doesn’t matter what type of company you are or at what stage of growth, nowadays almost everything is done digitally.

The great thing about onboarding video

But, why would you want to set up an extensive and costly onboarding process?

First of all, it’s not necessarily expensive. There are some interesting figures we’ll show you in a minute.

First: how is onboarding done right using video? The handy thing is, you only need to set up one good digital process that you can use for at least several years. Great for small companies and start-ups. What we’re about to tell you in the next section does not just really apply to large companies. Keep in mind that small organizations can do this with a smaller process and fewer components. But don’t worry, we’ve got some useful tips for you, too.

Once your company is growing faster and you are hiring more employees at once, you need to set up a larger process with several components:

Customer satisfaction

A digital component where you provide knowledge about the company and its vision and the product or service via (interactive) videos. Make sure not to make this too specific, as you want to use this component for at least a couple of years. Do also insert quizzes and some storyline exercises where the new hires have to make decisions in order to make the story go on. This is immensely effective when creating product awareness, which is possible with interactive videos. If you want an example of interactive features you could check out: our article about gamification in interactive video, an interactive VR experience with the most interesting man alive, or an interactive museum experience of the 9/11 Memorial Museum.

If your company has a clear vision and strong principles about, for example, environmental or social issues, you can use this in that video. For example, you can let your new hires choose between a big sale at the cost of your company’s principles or principles over a big sale. That way you can make them more aware of the way your company works and the kind of choices that are expected;

Warm welcome

Group sessions where the new hires can get to know each other. Be sure to involve a few experienced colleagues to show them around. During these sessions, you can introduce them to the product, let them do sales pitches and, this is really important, let them think about improvements for the product or company. They often bring fresh ideas that are worth considering. If you have the budget, give them a few days for it. They’ll have fun, love your company and become dedicated to it and stick around longer;

A helping hand

Depending on the size of your company, assign ‘mentors’ to new hires that can answer questions and show them around.

With a composition of several aspects, such as digital, interactive, personal, and social, we think your new hires will without a doubt love your company instead of just liking your product. That’s also the mission of your onboarding process: to inspire them to love your company rather than make them enthusiastic about the product. Over 30 percent of enterprises are using videos to train and onboard employees and this number is still going up.

Bottom-line? Just do it. Still not convinced? You will be after reading our next post. It’s about employee training and how you can save money and increase productivity with video training.

Spoiler: one company saved 13.9 million dollars on employee training by switching to video training.

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Start vandaag nog met interactieve video

Of je nu een nieuwe marketingcampagne lanceert, de klantbeleving wilt verbeteren, een actieve e-learning wilt maken of een goede onboarding voor nieuwe medewerkers wilt neerzetten: interactieve video is een krachtige tool die jou daarbij helpt.

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