Platform updates
Enthousiast over interactieve video? Bekijk onze blog voor updates, tips en inspiratie!
New feature bonanza! - January update
As you may have noticed on our LinkedIn and Facebook pages, we have been putting out a lot of awesome new features recently! Whether they’re […]
Stefan Drenth
New customization and interactive features - June update
We haven’t been idle since our last product update post, because a lot of new features have been added to hihaho over the past few […]
Stefan Drenth
Two new interactions - February update
Every once in a while, we’re going to tell you about some of the major changes in hihaho. Two new features have been added! They […]
Kirsten Ronda
Panopto, Mandarin and the question interaction - November update
Every once in a while, we’re going to tell you about the changes in hihaho. Today, we’ve got some exciting updates! From now on, you […]
Kirsten Ronda
25.000 videos made interactive with hihaho
Follow us on LinkedIn and learn more about interactive video and how to succesfully use it
Upload your video to hihaho - September update
We’ve launched our new upload feature! Before, it was necessary to upload your video on a video platform and then add interactions in hihaho. But […]
Kirsten Ronda
Rating interaction and table of contents - May update
Every once in a while, we’re going to tell you about the changes in hihaho. Today, we’ve got some big updates that might be useful […]