New feature bonanza! – January update

As you may have noticed on our LinkedIn and Facebook pages, we have been putting out a lot of awesome new features recently! Whether they’re newly added or improved existing features, our development team has been unstoppable lately. In case you missed any, here’s an overview of our recent updates.

Toggleable timeline scrollbar

You will never lose track of your adjustments while scrolling through the interactive layers anymore with this feature.

Interactive video playlist

Make your interactive videos binge-watchable with a playlist-like video sequence. Select your next and previous videos in the advanced video settings and you’re good to go.

Copying current time

Speed up your work process significantly by copying start and end times directly from your timeline.

Redesign chapter interaction

Have you noticed that the chapter menus in your interactive videos look different? Our Menu interaction got a makeover!

Try out the newly added and improved features in your own interactive videos and make sure to follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to stay up to date with all news on our interactive video tool!

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Ivo van Halen

Support hero of hihaho

Start vandaag nog met interactieve video

Of je nu een nieuwe marketingcampagne lanceert, de klantbeleving wilt verbeteren, een actieve e-learning wilt maken of een goede onboarding voor nieuwe medewerkers wilt neerzetten: interactieve video is een krachtige tool die jou daarbij helpt.

Ben je benieuwd naar de mogelijkheden voor jouw organisatie? Neem dan contact op met een van onze consultants.

Telefoon: 0592 377 285