Interactive video on the rise in education and L&D

Online video will account for 82% of all Internet traffic by 2022, according to Cisco’s trend monitor. In addition to entertainment and marketing, online video is increasingly used for learning. And there are good reasons for that. 

Why video?

Video is not only much better recorded in our memory, but most people also prefer to watch a video rather than read a text. A study by consultancy firm Insivia shows that more than 90% of viewers remember what was shown and told in a video three days later. With written text, this is only 10% (…). Research by shows that video is recorded 60.000x faster in the brain and that 90% of what we record in the brain is visual.

‘How to’ videos

The enormous growth (with 70% per year!) on YouTube of so-called ‘how to’ videos, varying from ‘how do I descale my coffee machine?’ to ‘how do I calculate a circle circumference?’ is also interesting. Research by shows that more than half of the viewers on Youtube indicate that learning how to do something you haven’t done before‘ is the main reason to look for a video. 

Interactive video

In short: the importance of video for learning is increasing. And interactive video adds an important new dimension to it. You can ask questions, make choices, consult sources, add instructions and commands, etc., directly in the video. It increases the involvement of the viewer, leading to significantly better learning outcomes. Until recently, however, the problem was that it was expensive and time-consuming to produce good interactive videos. With a tool like this problem belongs to the past. Creating interactive video content has become just as easy as creating a PowerPoint presentation. 

Advantages of interactive video

Apart from the positive effects of video learning on the brain, there are a number of other great advantages:

  • Interactive video generates extensive learning analytics from every interaction in every second of the video. 
  • As an internet standard, interactive video can be easily integrated into any online application. For example, in an LMS, in an EPD, in a CRM system, etc. And that is very useful for on demand workplace learning. Just as it is useful for product explanations, DIY video helpdesks, and public and patient information.
  • In an interactive video, you can take high quality tests, where the quality of questions itself can also be measured.
  • Teachers (and students) can make their own interactive so-called ‘curated editions’ for educational purposes using the more than 140 million good and publicly available online videos on channels like YouTube and Vimeo. 

Jeroen Krouwels, director of hihaho interactive video, sees the growth of interactive video reflected in his figures for 2020 and 2021: “We’ve already seen a 50% growth in the use of interactive video on our hihaho platform this year. Next year, we expect a growth of 80-100%. The growth in education and L&D is remarkable: more than half of the created interactive video content is for educational purposes, in addition, we see significant growth in public information and marketing”.  

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Of je nu een nieuwe marketingcampagne lanceert, de klantbeleving wilt verbeteren, een actieve e-learning wilt maken of een goede onboarding voor nieuwe medewerkers wilt neerzetten: interactieve video is een krachtige tool die jou daarbij helpt.

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