Jane Hart: “Interactive video is one of the most influential upcoming trends”

This year, hihaho climbed up the ladder and has risen 39 places in the Top 200 Tools for Learning 2019! We’ve managed to reach a […]
Interactive video makes user guides a waste of paper

A manual may seem intimidating at times. Often you find yourself struggling to read a big leaflet or what may feel like an entire book […]
Establishing the importance of video

Why would you invest time and money in ‘expensive’ videos? As if you don’t have anything better to focus on, right? Listen up, videos aren’t […]
5 Reasons To Train Employees Via Interactive Video

In our previous blog, you read all about the employee onboarding process, which components to use and how to optimize it with video. The bottom-line […]
A Closer Look: Employee Onboarding

In our previous blog, we talked about why using videos in your organization is important. We mentioned one of the possible internal uses of video: […]